12 Jul

Wednesday July 13, 2011


75k XSNX at $.07, currently $.09, goal $.09 – $.10, stop $.06. Up $1,256 so far and I’d love to get $.10 on this one soon.

10k PPRTF at $.60, currently $.607, goal $.80 – $.90, stop $.50. This was a bid buy.

Short 2k ZAGG at $12.77, currently $13.16, goal $11.00, stop $13.60. I suspect lots of shorts covered today which lifted the price. Quite a few bad reports circling this company, we’ll have to see if that’s enough to land me a winning trade.

Short 20k POTG at $.80, currently $.82, goal $.60, stop $.85. Jumped in POTG right at 3:59 because I think today’s sell off could mark the end of this one. Dip buyers had a hard time holding it above $.80 into the close so I’m hoping for a spike and crash. I’ll look to add 10k – 20k shares on a spike tomorrow morning.


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