9 Jan

The NSRS Stock Pump Continues, But How Long Can It Last?


The markets biggest ongoing pump and dump, North Springs Resources (OTCBB:NSRS) stock continues to shine since I last wrote about it here on January 3rd, 2012 NSRS Stock Promotion; Just The Beginning Or The Beginning Of The End?. The NSRS promotion in comparison to the Powrtec (OTCBB:POWT) disaster last Friday looks like the golden child of stock promotions – for now anyway.

So what can we expect out of NSRS moving forward?

Well it’s been almost 2 full weeks since the campaign started and other than a 2 day pullback shaking out weak hands and trapping shorts there’s nothing that says this one is ready to come tumbling down. That’s just the problem with playing these types of stocks though, right when everything looks good is usually when the trap door opens and naive traders get slammed watching their joyful profits disappear and usually taking big losses while holding the bag.

Technically speaking, if NSRS gets above $.52 Monday it will be squeezing all shorts and that’s where momentum buyers might come back after NSRS sending it parabolic before it crashes similar to the AMWI bomb I caught on film live minute by minute.

Trust me when I say this, the NSRS promotion is nearing its end and if you weren’t aware this was a massive pump and dump then it’s time to brew some strong coffee and get with the program cause you don’t want to be caught in the flush. I have subscribers who found me after losing $100,000 trading stocks like NSRS so make sure you know what you’re doing, especially if you are new.

Is the flush coming today? Honestly nobody knows but one thing is for certain, NSRS will be trading at $.10 again or lower in the near future and short sellers are waiting for the first sign of weakness to pile in. Trust me, this isn’t my first rodeo when it comes to calling these crashes just days before they happen (Read more).



  1. Dave

    Hi Jason,

    Loving your insights to stocks and the daily watchlist!! Just want to know is it possible to short a OTCBB stock like this one (NSRS)?



    • Jason Bond

      Hi Dave and many thanks. Yes you can short them at a number of brokers. Tim Sykes specializes at this. Cheers, Jason.

  2. Ralph


    To be sure, we only own 100 shares of NSRS. The latest communication from the firm they retained to promote them indicates a 650% increase in value, but that
    doesn’t seem to jibe with what we’re seeing in our Sharebuilder account (we bought in at .40):

    $0.4690 -$0.081 (-14.73%) 100.0000 $46.90 $0.58 $57.51 -$10.61 (18.45%)

    Unless we’re doing our math wrong, can you propose how newsletters can make these contentions if the numbers shareholders are seeing in real time do not appear to reflect the contentions? Would appreciate any advice you’d be willing to impart to us newbies.



  3. rogerbenoitjr

    dear jason, i just started learning how to trade, i don’t have the time to fully mentally dive into trading, because of my full time job, can you reassure me your service is not for day trading i would like to try your service. please reply. r.b. jr

    • Jason Bond

      Yes, this is a swing trade service. 3-5 swing trade alerts weekly.

  4. santiix

    I have been watching NSRS since DEC 27th, this was posted by APS a while back at around 7-9 cents and even though its a P&D, this is one of the best rides most people will be having this year, as long as they get out on time. Lets hope for the best, but getting in at 9 cents, and looking where it is now.. It’s like winning a mini lottery.

    • Jason Bond

      Unless you wait to long like the people in this video – do you think they go out on time?


      Point is it’s going to dump and when it does there will be no bids, even if you are watching close what looks like profit now will evaporate into thin air an often become a loss.

  5. epeli

    I.m to subscribe to your newsletter as as. says but the email is being rejested saying to put on a valid email, we use this in Vanuatu
    so hopefully htis gets through

  6. Jeremy

    Hey Jason, what are your thoughts on NSRS closing at 1.49 today?

    • Jason Bond

      This is a powerful pump…unreal!

  7. Tom

    NSRS trading at over $1.60 today… Guess you were way off.

    • Jason Bond

      I have to hand it to the promoters on this one, they are doing a really good job. Keep in mind though, on January 20, 2012 the stock dropped from $.91 to $.42 in the same day so you better be ready for another 50% haircut soon.

  8. Melinda

    Well NSRS is at 1.02 right now…I have been watching this stock everyday and I think Jason is correct in that their so called transparency has led to such a big pump!

    • Jason Bond

      Hi Melinda. Indeed, but they did do an overall good job with the promotion, people made lots of money and goodness, had I rode my 50,000 shares I’d have made close to $100,000 had I hit it perfect, obviously that’s a lot easier said than done.

  9. Bill S.

    I traded my NSRS shares at 1.14, and just bought some more today at .93.. Do you think there will be another pump?

    • Jason Bond

      Hi Bill. Looks like their still pumping it so who knows, maybe it heads back up. These all end this way, they simply get to a point where the buyers get so greedy it has no choice but to shake. I don’t blame the promoters, they did their job and they did it well.

  10. Geologist

    Hate to be the guy in the back to say ” I told you so”,,,but I told you so. They hired a geologist to do exploration work too. That isnt cheap. Usually means their serious. It will keep going up. Watch for the new data to come out with week. Scam or not. They produce. Imperial site data, a new video, with arizona site data from the lab..

    • Jason Bond

      Thank you for writing Geologist but you need to understand this isn’t my first rodeo. Pull up the chart on RAYS and have a look at the last ‘BIG’ story. I can show you 100 lithium stocks that hired geologists too. Don’t drink the Kook Aid.

    • Geologist

      I actually thank you for putting that rays chart up..I did a bunch of statistics and that rays chart had A LOT of math patterns involved in it..which caught me as rather odd.

      (for the record: Lithium, Uranium, all of those metals are absurd. I wouldnt touch those with a ten foot pole.

      Im not knocking your knowledge, I wouldnt be on here getting insight if I were haha keep it up, you know your stuff.

      NSRS is great for day to day profit making. It will more than likely go on for a while since they time their information releases weekly. If they do mine though, thats the point where it might be worth a buy, short hold, and a sell.


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