30 Nov

The Attainment Of Popularity Or Profit, I.E. Success!



I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for the wealth of knowledge I’ve gained so far form studying your teaching and watching the example you and the team set in the chat.  There is still so much to learn to become good at trading but I can now confidently say I’m experiencing some success.

Monday and Tuesday I accomplished over $1,400 in profit in an account that only had $2,200 in it Monday morning.  When you consider the $800 I lost learning some things the hard way you can imagine the joy I’m experiencing right before Thanksgiving to know that I’ve gotten that back and increased the funds to more than I started with.  As I plan to build and continue learning this won’t be the last time you hear from me – thank you, thank you, thank you.

If I may I would like to also take this opportunity to share with you what I consider to be my biggest hurdle at the moment – I have to trade so slow.  If I’m a cash account I’m limited to how much I can trade while either holding stocks or waiting for trade settlements.  If I’m a margin account I’m limited by the PDT rule.  Maybe it’s a good thing that I’m having to exercise patience, but at times I feel as though it’ll take forever to grow my small account in to a $25k one so I can even be on the same roster in the same league as you guys.  I believe many others who have joined your service feel the same way.

I don’t know if you’re a Bible guy at all, and I’m certain you can’t “preach” to your clients, but the verse that reminds me to be patient in trading is Proverbs 13:11 – dishonest money dwindles away, but he who gathers little by little makes it grow.  If there’s a way to convey that message appropriately to everyone it might be a huge encouragement to those who are starting small like me.

The re-focus you’ve done looks incredibly promising.  You’ve got an awesome team.  I can’t wait to see what the coming months and year bring to everyone’s harvest, I mean portfolio 🙂

Thanks again – you rock.” ~ Mark A.


  1. ladimerhaluke

    Hello Jason: I thank you for sharing your clients comments on small accounts and some limitations we have ie. waiting for funds to settle.
    Your personal focus on swing only is a huge directional aid for some of us small fry wanting
    to grow a capital trading portfolio, and to this end your including 1.00 to 4.00 dollar stocks
    certainly is a key focus area, at least for myself.
    Many thanks for your very professional and personal service.
    Ladimer H.

  2. TiborBreining

    I have to agree with the patience comment. When I first signed up, I was very impatient and lost an amount of money that I am ashamed to mention.

    So when JB moved to swing only, I had a choice to make: change my game plan or cash out and never touch stocks again.

    Fortunately, I took JB’s advice and it was simply this: “don’t just trade for the sake of trading” (I’m paraphrasing here). What he meant was to take your time and be sure you are making good choices. Essentially, QUALITY over quantity.

    So instead of pouncing on each alert (even if they had gone up 2 to 5 percent by the time I got to them), I decided to be reasonable and place my bids low (same price as JB). I told myself, even if I miss a few real winners, I will also reduce the risk.

    BOTTOM LINE: I made 10% of my account in just the first two days of the switch to swing only!!! That is nuts! I won’t lie, i lost some money on a trade after that, but overall, I am still up since excersizing patience and caution.

    Patience is key guys. It doesn’t matter how big your account is. I started with a large account and lost most of it by being a cowboy. Now I have a small account and am making more money than i did with my large one.


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