25 Feb

Premium Membership Example


Check this out, it’s what I do and will continue to do. Join today!


  1. Kurt Hensle

    Hi Jason, Stock Analyzer recommended your site and your trade success – looks awesome! As he does the same (obviously good) job I wonder why he named your link … as competitor! Anyway, just 2 questions: Do you have a fixed investment amount? Calculating your profits or seldom losses in the list beside you seem to play giant (at least for me, LOL) amounts … probably because you have them resp. are content with 5, 10 or 15%. Do you also recommend when to sell or give stop loss marks? TIA and happy Easter! Kurt

    • Jason Bond

      Hi Kurt! Thank you for stopping by. To answer your question, he is a friend of mine… hence the referral. I provide a buy and sell strategy that subscribers can follow if they like which includes stop losses. I aim for 10% on every trade and try to cut losses after 5%. After I buy I send out an alert by text message immediately followed by an email. Same when I sell. The only exceptions would be if I sell right at the close or happen to be flipping a stock for personal benefit real quick… in both those situations text and email are too slow so I use my chat room. Then update everyone else later. Hope that answers your questions. Feel free to email me as well, jason@pennystocklive.com. Happy Easter.


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