Designed to make money without being chained to your computer all day
Perfect for working professionals without the time to day trade but still want to actively trade the market
3 – 5 swing trade alerts per week with 1 – 4 day hold times
Stocks listed on a national exchange between $1 – $10 with a market cap between $50 million – $2 billion
Conservative 5 – 10%, rinse and repeat
All entries and exits in real time by email, text and chat
Works with small accounts but is scalable for fat cats
Goal is $50,000 a year in profits
Nightly watch list and full access to education suite
2013 Performance +81.91% +$256,630
January +8.30% +$26,364
February +8.45% +$26,720
March +4.76% +24,230
April +5.90% +$16,970
May +5.39% +$25,392
June -4.31% -$16,327
July +4.06% +$16,393
August +6.83% +$25,871
September +8.60% +$41,920
October +10.22% +$47,795
November +4.02% +$20,752
December (TBD)
Versus the S&P 500
on November 28, 2013 at 10:20 pm
The performance records show a +% and dollar earnings but how much is needed in the trading account to get those results? I’m doing math it has to be over $250,000? How about showing an example of a $25,000 account with a money management %risked for each trade?
Just do +% on your balance for a hypothetical. 100% on $25,000 is $50,000. Takes money to make money in this business. Anyone telling you their getting 1,000% returns is probably not telling the truth, right? Since the best hedge funds in the world do about 30% year in and year out.
The performance records show a +% and dollar earnings but how much is needed in the trading account to get those results? I’m doing math it has to be over $250,000? How about showing an example of a $25,000 account with a money management %risked for each trade?
Just do +% on your balance for a hypothetical. 100% on $25,000 is $50,000. Takes money to make money in this business. Anyone telling you their getting 1,000% returns is probably not telling the truth, right? Since the best hedge funds in the world do about 30% year in and year out.
What % is ETF trades? What is the average position size?
Hardly any, mostly stocks. Here’s the data.
hi jason bond can you tell me about position sizing. how many stocks you hold at a time. and how many percent do you allocate to each trade
Sure, did you get a chance to read the quick start guide yet?