About Jason
Hello and welcome to JasonBondPicks.com.
I’m Jason Bond, the founder of this website. Thank you for visiting!
Chances are, if you’re here, you’re interested in active trading. Well, active trading has been my passion as long as I can remember. I began trading in stocks while I was still in high school. In college I excelled in academics and athletics. Shortly after getting my first job and earning a Master’s degree I was right back into the market managing money at Vanguard and Charles Schwab while teaching full time.
All the while, my ambition was to generate money that I could invest and turn into more money. I’m happy to report it worked. I became so successful at trading and teaching others’ how to trade I was able to retire from teaching at the age of 34. I tell you this not to boast, but to let you know that following my buy and sell strategy can change your life.
And now, after stops at a number of famous websites, I can honestly say I am most excited about what I’m doing now with my swing trade strategy and alerts at JasonBondPicks.
The types of stocks I’m buying are cutting edge companies and stocks on the verge of a breakout. In my experience, and I’ve seen it happen over and over again, the big profit opportunities are in lower-cost stocks with future growth.
My insight and prescient ability to identify winning small cap stocks ahead of the Wall Street herd has made my service one of the top paid newsletters you’ll find. My alerts offer active traders like you some of the best options for transforming your portfolio and building true wealth.
The Swing Trader!
Jason Bond
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