26 Mar

[Leaked] How To Use My Scanner


The other night, I announced I would be changing the gameand my competition is so mad at me right now because they just can’t keep up.

I don’t see anyone in the industry doing anything remotely similar to me… and your success means a heck of a lot more to me than my own.

Today, I want to prove that to you by giving you a taste of one of my most powerful tools — my coveted scanner… the same scanner I use to hunt down momentum stocks every single trading day.



You see, I believe location is key to uncovering money-making opportunities. However, there are thousands of stocks out there, and we can’t trade all of them.

In order to help as many people out in this market environment, I want to show you how to potentially uncover stocks poised for explosive moves… as well as the one thing that’s got my competitors fuming.


How I’m Changing The Game


How many times have you woke up and walked over to your trading desk (or pulled up your mobile platform), and wondered to yourself: What am I going to trade today?

Only to scramble and just fire off a random trade and lose money in it. If that sounds familiar, it’s okay… because I was in the same boat before at one point. However, I realized how simple trading could be if I just narrowed my focus and looked for the right stocks to trade.

In order to show you how powerful my scanner is, I want to walk you through a real-money case study.


My Scanner Uncovered A 30% Winner In CHEF


When it comes to filter down the thousands of stocks out there, I only want to trade stocks that are under $30 and have at least $2M in liquidity near the open. Thereafter, I just rank the stocks by percentage change on the day, as you can see below.



Pretty simple, right?

Now, I don’t just randomly buy whatever is popping up on my scanner. I actually conduct my due diligence and make sure one of my high-probability patterns comes up in the stock. If you look at the screenshot of my scanner above, you’ll notice at the very end, I outlined CHEF.

It satisfied my filter requirements, and when I looked at the chart… it was a screaming buy to me, but I knew I needed to be patient and keep an eye on it. My work was pretty much done, and all I needed to do was execute. 

Here’s what I sent out in my watchlist to Jason Bond Picks clients

CHEF I’ve been watching closely and think $6 is the range I’ll use as my stop loss here. Range is big to $10 so looking for 10-20% above $6 seems reasonable but like most stocks right now, if the overall market starts to tank again it’s going to weigh on these positions. 



Remember, I’m putting my clients’ wants and needs first because I want them to find success in the markets.

One of the main problems with trading services is a lot of the times, by the time clients get the alert, the stock or option has already moved too far up. The end up feeling like a sucker because they might’ve missed the move…or chased.

I don’t want that to happen to any of my clients… so I came up with my “ADVANCE Notice” alerts.


R.I.P. To The Competition


I don’t see anyone else in the game doing what I’m doing… and I want to show you EXACTLY how it works. Not only did my clients get a heads up about CHEF as a potential trade on my watchlist… but I also sent out an advanced notice, letting them know I would be getting in soon.



There were a few things I liked about CHEF, as I outlined in my “CHEF advance notice” email at 10:30 AM on Monday…

Up from a low of $3.55, CHEF has crossed a key resistance area at $6, which opens up immediate range tot he upper $7’s. Not huge, I get it, but can’t expect last week’s prices now that the markets are at least trying to bottom. My entry-level here would be above $6 and my goal is about $8, though if we get a real rip in the markets, I’m hoping range to $10 unleashes fast. But again, sticking to very small 10-20% targets on all trades and even happy with 5%. 

Fishhook and tradable levels for my entry and exit drew on the chart below.



Now, about 35 minutes AFTER I sent that advanced notice alert, I entered CHEF.



I scooped up 4,000 shares of CHEF at $6.42. My stop loss was in the range of $6, and my target was in the upper $7 area.



The thing is, I planned to hold this overnight… and guess what happened the very next morning?

CHEF was gapping up!

Of course, after CHEF broke above my profit target, I took my money and ran.




In this market environment, I want to do my best to help stack the odds in your favor. With my scanner and “advance notice” alerts, I believe you have the necessary tools to hunt down momentum stocks.


  1. Raymond E Rogalski

    Jason as you stated. Develop a plan. Stick with the three rules over bought continuous and break through, focus on A catalyst. Fish hooks, Flags and rockets.

  2. Raymond R

    Your reteaching the strategies is a great access in winning trades. Thanks J


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