14 Sep

Wake Up! Don’t Be A Slave!


I met a new friend recently. He gave me a gift. It’s on my desk daily and in my pocket when I leave my home. This gift means more to me than any gift I received as a kid. I barely know the person who gave it to me but I trust in my heart he read a few of my blogs and understood my life. Whether he meant it or not, the three words at the bottom of the coin mean everything to me, fired me up and led to this blog post.

You do what you want, I’ve been on both sides though so I speak from experience. Take it or leave it! Here goes… The system is wrong. Debt is wrong. I was buried… buried alive. So many people are trapped due to good marketing it’s really unfortunate. Leaving that road was hard, I didn’t sleep for a year… the stress of leaving the trap haunted me. It’s safer inside. I like safe, we all like safe.

But truth be said, cash is king. Don’t argue! I’m right and everyone knows it. This is not about politics, it’s about FREEDOM! Lower rates, reel in the weak… pray on the needy. And for what, to ‘spark’ the economy. Bite will you? DON’T! Think for yourself. Follow Dave Ramsey. I’ve been there. DO NOT SELL OUT! DO NOT GIVE UP! LIVE YOUR LIFE!


  1. doug

    Very nice piece of SILVER Jason, by the way your piece of SILVER just increased by 4% just today alone thanks to Mr. Bernanke and MORE Quantitative easing !!!!

    • Jason Bond

      Thanks Doug, it’s a 2008 piece that reminds me daily of what my goals are.

  2. MichaelPower

    That statement is so true. I’m here to kick the slavery to the curb. I’m starting small but I’ll get there some day. A little cheddar at a time. Locked up 11% on ZNGA this morning. Thx JB!

  3. doug

    Yep, the trick is to take your CASH profits, that your making from the stock market and convert them into real money such as silver. By the way I truly believe that SILVER is going to CRUSH GOLD in GROWTH !!!!! Have fun with it buddy !!!

  4. Joan

    I just added up all my debt this afternoon and I’m $131,719.33 total. I hate it and dont feel comfortable being around people who tell me to dont worry about. So what if my highest interest I have between five different companies is 3.25%, I dont want any more debt period. Don’t want to feel like a slave to pay someone or company. I never tell any one I own my home the bank does. CASH IS KING!

    So with that said do I pay all my debt first or start trading (dont know how options work) to pay down debt sooner? Perhaps a combination of the two. At the end the month lately I do have a little over 1k a month left over after all my bills are paid for. Since February I have paid addtional 10k in my debt to the principal.

    Any suggestions how to get out of debt sooner?

  5. JohnM

    I was debating with myself on whether or not I should bother with your service. Reviews and testimonials, do not win me over. You already had two of the three requirements for me to stick with an individual as someone I trust to advise me on the stock market: a winning record and a blatant desire to help their customers. However, this post implied the final factor: a 75%+ agreement in macro-economics theory. I am really glad I found this. I’m looking forward to a long term subscription to this site. Going to go ahead and sign up right now!


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