9 Dec

The Amwest Imaging Inc. (OCTBB:AMWI) Dump On Demand Download


Download this video and share this link with everyone on your email list because it could be the message that saves them from getting suckered on scams like this.


It is a massive file so once you click okay give it time to load and open – up to 1-minute due to all the traffic.


  1. Rick De Jong

    Good video to learn from. I wish I would have heard of you sooner.
    I lost about 5G on Jamin Java, my very first stock I bought. I was up big thinking this is to good to be true well it was. Now I am Taking my time, really want to learn how to do the right things.I really like listening to your seminars very worth while.

    • Jason Bond

      Thanks Rick. Happens to all of us which I why I put that video out. There are plenty of good small caps to trade and while it can be frustrating at times, it’s also very rewarding when things go right. Sounds like you have a great plan now, good luck moving forward… you know where to find me. Jason

  2. Joe

    Fun video to watch. I love to watch these crash for some reason lol. I even play them as they run up and have been caught with my pants down but I still love to watch them crash and burn after the promo is finished and support is removed!

    Your turn NSRS!!!

    • Dung Pham

      Is not nice to wish people lose there money. i lost some from AMWI And now i have some of the NSRS 🙂

      • Jason Bond

        Ya unfortunately this is how penny stocks work, gotta protect your egg or someone will take that and your basket.


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